Email and Spam

I hate spam. And so do the people I manage mailservers for.

The domains I control ( get a lot of spam (about 20:1 cf legitimate email). Therefore I've recently instituted some fairly draconian filtering to try to get rid of it before I see it.

This may stop or delay some legitimate email.

Junk email sent to addresses in my domains will be reported to, and if they come from within Australia, to the ACCC. In addition, a formal complaint will be made to the ISP from which the email originates; this complaint quite often results in the offending account's termination.

To maximise your chances of your email getting through:

The checks used are very similar to those described on except that we do not accept emails wholly in Dutch.

Who can get a email address?

Anyone who is related to me and lives in Australia. Call me for details.
Peter Chubb
Last modified: Tue Mar 20 18:01:09 EST 2007